Friday, December 3, 2010

Here is one of my final ideas as well. The robot puppet.
Some final ideas.

Nothing of me is original

Im the combined effort of everyone i've even known

Where do you think you're going?

Playing around and experimenting 'escape' with my marionette

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Some pictures of my marionette i took.
the pieces of a chess boaed game

i replaced the head of the pawn piece with a human one and made a hand ready to pick it up to continue his next move.

Two human hands full with pieces that represent each one of us, controlled by a puppet's mechanism.

a marionette
some of the imges i worked on so far.

Nothing of me is original. Im the combined effort of everyone i've ever known

This is the quote i chose to work on for  my project. I believe it has to do with the originality of each person and how no one is really who they want to be. By reading it I related it to chess pieces and marionettes.

This is a very interesting video of a puppet theatre i found on youtube while researching for my project.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

This is the Greek show from where i wasnt only inspired but also learned how to bake some of the basic stuff. Some of the information I needed for the history behing confectioney is also taken from here.
Parliaros is one of the most famous chefs in Greece and Cyprus and confectionery is his speciality.
the rocky chocolate bars

Some of the pictures included in the cookbook. I tried to manipulate the shading to make it look like part of the world. All images are from still life and in the same style as the cover.
lemon loaf
The cover of the cookbook im making. The title of it will be '' Where are you from''
A page of my sketchbook, I used the map of the world to create a muffin. The point of the project is to show that we live in a multicultural world. I used pastries from different places and combined them to show that we never really know where is something from.Originality is one of the main reasons of racism as well.
a vanilla extract bottle

Some photography i did during the whole baking process
mixing process

brlueberry,oats and raising cookies
Chocolate, raisins and peanuts
Rocky bars chocolates with marshmallows, coconut and bounty bar was one of my favourite recipes. The final outcome not only it tasted good but also looked good.
While working for this project i had to be back home, where i found out about a cake called Geography cake. My mum gave me the recipe and i made it, unfortunately i have no pictures of the final outcome.However another interesting cake i made was the lemon cake combined with milk chocolate.
Some chocolate muffins combined with dark chocolate used for Sacher cake and mint( English kendall mint cake)

Moving on i decided to make my own recipes with ingridients combined by recipes from all over the world since travelling is another of my favourite things.
Here are the pictures of the final outcome of some of the pastries.
Here are the marshmallow brownies that were a combination of the traditional french brownies and marshmallows  taken from the english marshamallow cupcakes                                                                                                          

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Im surely going to work on cupcakes as they are one of my favourite deserts.

Pies is also one pastry im going to be working on as i love the texture of it as well as the different flavours

Visiting Vienna this year made me want to present it as the national cake of Austria.

This type of cheesecake is called Sernik and comes from Poland. It is just as delicious but slightly different from the ordinary cheesecake

Gingerbread cookies. Delicious and Cute

The French macaroons.I love their, colour,taste and looks


Here is the book i got most of the recipes im going to work with from

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Movies that inspired me

 Marie Antoinette one of my favourite movies.

And here's my favourite scene

''Old Martina: [after learning Babette spent 10,000 francs on the dinner] Now you'll be poor for the rest of your life.
Babette: An artist is never poor.''

Babbette's Feast is an all time old classic movie where the famous Savarin au Rhum avec des Figues et Fruit Glacée" (rum sponge cake with figs and glacéed fruits) came from. The movie has won an Oscar and i can assure you this is a cake i would give an Oscar to.

''The waitress''
A movie full of pies ;)

Favourite quote : I hate my husband pie

Charlie and the chocolate factory

Hummingbird bakery one of my favourite places in london ;)


Being really interested in fashion and a huge fun of Tim Walker's work was the main influence for my subject matter for this project. By seeing this partucular picture in a 2008 Vogue i wanted to get involved with pastries. I like everything about them , their colour, shape, taste even the whole baking procedure.

Lily Cole