Sunday, May 8, 2011

Final pieces.

This is my final poster. It represents the timeline of revolution.
I also finished my book. Photos will be soon uploaded.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Change of plans.

After working on Photoshop, i reckoned that the final images came quite narrative so i decided to make a small story about the human (r)evolution and where it might lead us in the future. Im still going to make a poster using the same images.
Playing around with my images in photoshop .


Are we going the wrong way?

I tried to combine different bits to make images that are a bit ironic/sarcastic as fas as the evolution is concerned.
Moving on , i want to point out that technology is taking over our lives today .Achievements like creating clones, or have to chance to choose your child's gender have been accomplished but where id this leading us?
Here is a piece of my work that displays an embryo being attached to a microchip instead of its mother, in order to represent technology in our generation and a vision of it in the future.

I would like to show that after humans were created, they brought to the world a lot of suffering with wars etc, so i chose to work on the gas mask as a representative of war and other catastrophes that have to do with the human kind. For example radiation, toxic gases and more.

The human kind is the last stage of the evolution.

After amphibians, dinosaurs would come to life.(1. dinosaur) Some of them would later have wings therefore birds were created.(2.goose) As far as the rest of them that remained just animals, developed into mammals.( 3.gorilla)

Images for human evolution.

Starting, i chose to work on images that relate to the human evolution and its progress. I picked one 'object' from each category.

1. Amoeba, it is the first form of life that divided into the water and created micro-organisms that would later lead to 2. fish, who developed into amphibians that would be able to breath not only underwater. Amphibians also gained the ability to walk. 3.Frog

The last image represents science today.